Planning permission was secured for three new dwellings in the Green Belt, replacing a defunct craft centre, itself a conversion and extension of former poultry sheds.

Client: Private Client

Size: 0.3 hectares

LPA: Gedling Borough Council

Sectors: Residential
Expertise: Design and Access Statement, Masterplanning, Planning Applications

Drawing upon calculations of the existing building’s footprint, extant permissions for extensions and permitted development rights, P&DG successfully argued that the new dwellings would have no greater impact on the Green Belt than the existing craft centre. This argument found favour with officers and planning committee, despite the dwellings occupying a greater part of the site overall.

The significant restrictions imposed by national planning policy on the construction of new dwellings in the Green Belt made this permission a rare commodity, allowing the development of three highly desirable homes in an attractive rural setting. The uplift in land values from the run-down craft centre to the bespoke-designed dwellings was very significant.

(Rendered images courtesy of Bramley-Maye Design Limited)

Importantly, the permission also allowed members of the client’s family to establish their own home near the original family home.

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