P&DG were instructed by the University of Nottingham in 2021 to help advise them on the planning strategy and implications for the proposed acquisition of the Castle Meadow Campus.

Client: University of Nottingham

Size: 4ha

LPA: Nottingham City Council

Sectors: Education, Heritage
Expertise: Development Strategies, Feasibility Appraisals, Pre-Planning Advice, Project Management and Coordination

Castle Meadow is a distinctive, large group of buildings designed by Michael Hopkins and Partners Architects. The campus is located in the centre of Nottingham and up until September 2022, was occupied by HM Revenue and Customs.

P&DG were brought in at an early stage to advise the University on the preferred planning strategy for the provision of a new city centre campus to support the University’s growth.

P&DG’s involvement to date has included preparing a detailed Advice Note, including a site overview and identification of opportunities and risks in respect of the redevelopment of the site, as well as regularly advising throughout 2021 on planning matters and strategy.

By having a clear planning strategy that could support their long-term business ambitions, the University were able to progress with acquiring the site, confident that their aspirations could be realised.

As part of the acquisition of the iconic former HM Revenue and Customs campus, the University of Nottingham sought P&DG’s expertise in advising on planning strategy to realise the University’s ambitions.

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