P&DG has a successful, longstanding relationship with the University of Derby in providing planning strategy and advice, as well as advising on site disposal and alternative land uses.

Client: University of Derby

Size: Various

LPA: Various

Sectors: Education
Expertise: Development Strategies, Feasibility Appraisals, Pre-Planning Advice, Project Management and Coordination, Strategic Planning

Working across a number of scales, P&DG provided essential planning strategy advice to the University as part of their strategic masterplan. Aimed at increasing connectivity between the Keddleston and city centre sites, with a number of other campuses between the two, P&DG supported the University through both written and verbal guidance.

A written planning policy and development capacity appraisal of the University’s sites was prepared to consider the combined sites’ wider relationship and its bearing on Derby’s Local Plan and how matters such as scale and adjacent land uses could attune favour when in negotiation with the council, as well as identifying associated opportunities and risks.

Over in Buxton, P&DG has prepared extensive written advice on alternative land uses. Following a change in the education offer the University’s Buxton campuses, it was recognised by the University that a number of buildings may be better utilised. Briefing notes on each of the buildings reviewed each planning context, identified potential options for re-use or redevelopment, scoped for introduction of additional users, and set out recommendations for further actions.

In both cases, P&DG’s commercially positioned planning guidance offered the University valuable insight into the local policy context and provided both realistic and meaningful actions to help realise their long-term ambitions.

P&DG has provided planning strategy and land use advice to the University across a variety of sites, helping to guide wider business decisions to secure the continued success of the University

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