Chesterfield’s largest single development opportunity. P&DG has led the proposals for regeneration of this strategically important site.

Client: Chatsworth Settlement Trustees (Chatsworth Estate)

Size: 190 hectares

LPA: Chesterfield Borough Council

Expertise: Development Strategies, Estate Reviews, Strategic Planning

Having secured its allocation in the Local Plan, a comprehensive masterplan has been prepared and an application for a first phase of development (700 new homes, local centre, primary school, employment, link road) has been submitted. A highly complicated site subject to multiple constraints, P&DG co- ordinated the preparation of the EIA. Significant flood defence works form an integral part of the proposals including ground level changes, road realignment, river channel works and designated wash land with habitat enhancement. Wider proposals include a HS2 maintenance depot, strategic road link and major employment.

The site’s history extends back to the dawn of the industrial revolution, its expansion into iron, steel and chemical manufacturing, alongside mining, and subsequent decline, mirroring the growth and challenges of the local communities that grew to serve it. Its redevelopment will leave a lasting legacy of high-quality development, helping to restore community pride in an area that Chesterfield can be justifiably proud of.

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