Full planning permission was obtained by P&DG for the development of a new school building, improved sports facilities and reconfiguration of the site operations of Rushcliffe Spencer Academy alongside the demolition of the former Rushcliffe Leisure Centre.

Client: Rushcliffe Spencer Academy

Size: 11ha

LPA: Rushcliffe Borough Council

Expertise: Consultation Website Hosting, Post-Planning Advice, Statement of Community Involvement

Prior to obtaining the planning permission it was a longstanding issue that the school could not accommodate all catchment pupils which emphasises the importance of this scheme. The planning submission was the culmination of a significant amount of work and detailed consideration to provide a viable, deliverable and operational conclusion to the extensive design capacity exercises. Nottinghamshire County Council were a key stakeholder involved in the funding of the project.

As part of the planning submission, we conducted a public consultation event, allowing local residents and ward members to comment on the proposals through our consultation website and also via post. The site is bound by residential development, hence the importance of notifying residents and ensuring people understood what changes were being proposed to their local area. A Statement of Community Involvement was prepared to summarise the engagement process undertaken, including a pre-application enquiry.

In line with the Town and Country Planning (Applications for Public Service Infrastructure Development Notification) (England) Direction 2021 the application was determined ahead of a major application timeframe due to the critical urgency to expand the school. The application was determined under delegated powers.

A separate Section 77 application was also submitted to relocate the bus stop for highway safety and connectivity reasons.

Since gaining planning permission P&DG has been advising and supporting on the delivery of the school expansion and improvement works through the approval of condition application(s).

(images courtesy of Church Lukas)

The expansion and improvement works at Rushcliffe Spencer Academy were driven by a continuation of a masterplan study that was undertaken to explore options for a new sitewide strategy to facilitate the expansion and number of pupils by 540 within the next 10 years  

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