P&DG were instructed by the Estates team of the Welbeck Estate to advise and prepare a request for an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Screening Opinion application that would permit the restoration of three historic dams within the Estate, forming part of the River Poulter.

Client: The Welbeck Estates Company Limited

Size: Dam Improvements and Safety Works

LPA: Bassetlaw District Council

Expertise: Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Heritage Planning, Historic Landscapes

The works were necessary to prevent the risk of dam collapse and future flooding Recognising the potentially significant heritage and landscape considerations of working within a listed park and garden in the setting of Welbeck Abbey, P&DG engaged with the local planning authority early on in the process to streamline some of the potential risks and agree the content of the eventual planning application. This included providing a robust report that justified that the scheme could be assessed in its conventional means without requiring a full Environmental Statement (ES). The local planning authority, upon receipt of our reasoning, agreed.

P&DG then project managed the full planning application, Bassetlaw District Council granted planning permission for the proposal in February 2020 to meet the contractual deadlines necessary for the project.

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