P&DG were approached by the client to assess the site’s planning potential and we recommended the initial preliminary studies to support a pre-application enquiry.

Client: Welbeck Estates Company Limited

Size: Circa 15 hectares

LPA: Bolsover District Council

Expertise: Public Exhibitions and Workshops, Stakeholder Engagement, Urban Design

The site had been vacant since clearance of legacy structures associated with the former colliery in the settlement, which in itself is positioned favourably in the settlement hierarchy of the development plan. It has not traditionally been a location for new housing but had significant regeneration potential and incremental permissions had started to emerge locally.

The site was not allocated in the emerging Local Plan at the time. Nevertheless P&DG, through completion of the promotional material and public consultation that justified the sustainability of the site, were able to secure the support of the District Council and the local community in accepting the scheme in addition to plan requirements. A resolution to grant outline planning permission was achieved for the development of 300 dwellings, convenience store, employment and medical centre on this site, supported by our report work and masterplanning prior to the adoption of the plan.

The legal agreement has now been signed, permission issued, and our involvement continues in the monitoring and negotiation of planning conditions.

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