Identified through a district-wide strategic land search, this 1,000-dwelling capacity, greenfield site was promoted through the Local Plan process, securing Council support as a strategic development area outside the confines of the existing town.

Client: William Davis, Hallam Land Management

Size: 56 hectares

LPA: Harborough District Council

Expertise: Design and Access Statement, Development Strategies, Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs)

A former military airfield in open countryside and adjacent to the Grand Union Canal, comprehensive masterplanning informed by extensive community and stakeholder engagement was essential to ensuring the delivery of this quality scheme in a very desirable, high-value development location.

Demonstrating the values that can be returned from investment in strategic, area-wide searches for opportunity sites, commitment and dedication by members of P&DG’s team over a period in excess of a decade secured significant uplift in the value of the land, from agricultural and waste land beyond the settlement boundary, to an allocated site, central to the town’s growth plans.

Alongside new homes, the scheme will deliver a new primary school, local centre, canal marina and hotel.

Following extensive Local Plan representations, the resulting planning application was supported by a comprehensive suite of evidence, including an EIA.

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