Breakfast with the Planners | Nottingham Conference Centre

Thursday 30th March 2023 | 8.30am until 10.45am

Bookings now being taken

call 01623 726256 or email P&DG Bookings

Your Invitation

We would like to invite you to our next Breakfast Seminar on Thursday 30th March at the Nottingham Conference Centre from 8:30am until 10:45 am.

The event is free and has been carefully designed to provide attendees with both a beneficial CPD session and business opportunities associated around the planning system.

Key aspects to be covered during the seminar include:

  • What are the currently proposed revisions to the NPPF and the implications to the development and construction industry. What could the changes mean to business.  How long before the changes take places.  What actions could you be taking to deal with the proposed changes.
  • An update on the tactics and actions to help proposals get through the planning application process successfully. What is happening within the LPA’s, local politics, and elections, levelling up, joint authority – impact on progress and policy.
  • The National planning agenda – what are the current commercial implications and approaches for dealing with Nutrient Neutrality and Biodiversity Net Gain.
  • Finally, we will provide an update on local plan progress and 5YHLS within the East Midlands.


It would be great to see some familiar and new faces at the event, so come and join us for an informative morning focused on the planning system, whilst you enjoy fresh coffee and a bacon butty (veggie options available).

 #breakfastseminar #CPD #Planningsystem #event #opportunity #housing

 If you’d like to book to attend, please contact us as soon as possible as places are limited!

 How to Book

To book your place, please get in touch – telephone 01623 726256 or email: P&DG Bookings



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